Mark Jeisman

Mark Jeisman

WA Business Development Manager
JET Charge

Throughout his career, Mark Jeisman has found himself at the forefront of emerging convergence in energy & technology. His diverse background dot points on the curve across technology innovation including manufacturing, design, sales & marketing with roles as Director of Perth based smart technology company Surrounds, and more recently with Schneider Electric in the Digital Buildings sector.  

Paralleling this journey, Mark has become a respected industry spokesperson and through his media content provided a window to consumers by breaking down the barriers for technology adoption. For over 25 years he has contributed across print, TV and radio and in the past held regular slots with The West Australian, Radio 6PR and various industry publications.

Currently, Mark is WA Business Development Manager for national electric vehicle charge infrastructure manufacturing and project specialist, JET Charge. He has been privileged to be part of the team delivering landmark projects including the State Government’s WA EV Network for Synergy & Horizon Power, and vehicle to grid research & trial projects across South Australia and the ACT.

Mark is passionate about driving digital transformation to deliver energy efficiency, sustainability and decarbonisation of buildings and the transport sector.

Speaker agenda

1:25 pm

Technologies and approaches to support the transformation

Panel discussion

The energy transformation involves greater decentralisation of energy generation and changing patterns of energy consumption. From virtual power plants, new battery technologies, to vehicle to grid solutions, our panellists will discuss how these technologies can help transform our power system, reduce energy costs and lower emissions from the energy sector.