Jai Thomas
Deputy Director General - Coordinator of Energy
Energy Policy WA (DEMIRS)
Western Australia
Jai Thomas is the Deputy Director General - Coordinator of Energy, a statutory role that leads Energy Policy WA. As Coordinator of Energy, he is also the designated Hazard Management Agency for disruption to electricity, natural gas or liquid fuel supplies in Western Australia.
Prior to this, Jai held the role of Program Director, Energy Transformation, overseeing Energy Policy WA's day-to-day delivery of the Government's Energy transformation Strategy work program.
Jai is an energy sector professional with expertise in electricity regulation and distributed energy projects, and had held regulatory and project delivery roles at both Horizon Power and Western Power.
Speaker agenda
Panel: Coordinating investment to decarbonise WA's energy sector
The scale of investment necessary to decarbonise the Western Australian energy sector is substantial and coordinating that level of investment is no small task. This panel will discuss the approach to coordination, so the industry has the best chance of harnessing the disruption that is now well underway to meet government and community decarbonisation objectives.
More panelists to be announced shortly.