Katie McKenzie

Katie McKenzie

Group Manager
WA System Design and Transformation, AEMO and President, Australian Institute of Energy Board
Western Australia

Katie is an energy policy, regulation & stakeholder relations specialist focused on progressing a secure, low-carbon, consumer-centric energy transition through her current roles with AEMO and AIE. Prior to joining AEMO, Katie served as a Director at EY, Principal Policy Adviser to two successive WA Energy Ministers and member of the WA Energy Transformation Taskforce.

Speaker agenda

2:00 pm

Managing an increasingly weather dependent system in a changing climate

Climate Risk & Resiliency

Topics to be discussed:

  • Lessons learned from the Summer of 2023-24
  • Planning for uncertainty
  • Striking the balance between the unknown and gold-plating
  • Navigating a changing climate and recent weather trends
Meet our moderator & panelists